with a Fresh Approach to Foodservice

Brussel Sprout Demand Remains High


This week’s Market News update features important information regarding the produce industry. Continue reading for highlights: 


BRUSSEL SPROUTS: Volume on sprouts looks to be picking in the next few weeks. Demand remains strong and quality is excellent. There is some occasional insect injury and elongated seed stems are noted but overall color and condition are excellent.

GREEN BEANS: Prices are pushing higher this week and quality is excellent in French, and fair on Green. We will continue to see light numbers in the east out of the Northeast this week mostly due to rain delays and quality impacts.

APPLES: The heat means a reduction in apple sizing and possible sunburn as well. Some growers are taking aggressive measures to reduce the amount of damaged fruit, giving the rest of the fruit on the tree more energy to grow and hoping to compensate for the slowdown in growth.

MELONS: Except for smaller size melons, very good supplies this week on both cantaloupe and honeydews. Quality is excellent.


Click HERE for the full report.

Looking to keep your restaurant’s menu on-trend with tasty, health-conscious dishes? Athena Farms is Atlanta’s premier source for quality, locally-grown fruits and vegetables!

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