Even in the best of times, sustainability can be a challenging factor heaped onto the daily bustle of restaurant owners. When operators need to take inventory, source food, and budget expenses, it can seem like a lot to ensure all recycling and sustainability efforts are met.
Amidst COVID-19?
As if owners, operators, and managers didn’t have enough on their plate, COVID-19 has created the additional enormous tasks of overhauling take-out programs, dealing with restrictions, and facing occupancy issues. As daunting as it may seem, sustainability efforts are vital now more than ever for restaurants. COVID-19 has led to the setback of many sustainability efforts as a renewed need for plastics such as bags and single-use PPE items take the front seat. It is incredibly important to keep your business sustainable to care for the Earth and your community by taking the steps below.
Tips to Stay Sustainable
- Manage waste by taking out anything that can be reused, recycled, or composted; this is a cost saver and an easy way to improve sustainability.
- Source food from the right places. Finding quality ingredients from community-minded companies will go a long way in building partnerships with the right people.
- Keep your community and staff included and welcome new ideas. Being a part of your community’s efforts to become more environmentally friendly and people-oriented will make your company better equipped to handle anything.
- Make small changes when you can. Making small changes like switching to more energy-efficient lightbulbs sends the right message to your community and customers.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of staying sustainable are simple — you put your brand in a positive light while showing your staff and community that your business cares. Taking care of the environment can decrease expenses and offer the best way forward as a business leader.