Stay updated on the produce industry & continue reading for a highlight summary of this week’s Market News report:
POMEGRANATES: The rain’s effect on pomegranates is concerning, particularly given the California pomegranate crop was already down thanks to severe winds that caused some scarring on the fruit. The water is turned off on pomegranates just before harvest to bring the sugars to the fruit and with this rain, we could be down 30-40 percent – it made a short crop shorter.
AVOCADOS: volume, once again, continues its climb back up from a low 4-5 weeks ago. Pricing has somewhat leveled off last week and we are anticipating this trend to continue with slower than previously predicted pricing reductions.
LIMES: Market is about steady, with much improved quality.
SPINACH: Overall good quality, size, and slight light texture. Cooler weather patterns expected to slow down supply. We will be monitoring the product closely after rain events.
CAULIFLOWER: Overall good supply for current demand. Quality, sizing & texture look good.
GREEN ONIONS: Quality is good this week. Market is extremely active due to supply shortage with many growers in northern Mexico because of the extremely hot weather and high humidity the past two months.
Click HERE for the full report.
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