Cherry Tomato Supply Shortage Begins to Recover

Athena Cherry Tomato

This week’s Market News has important produce information for all operations. Here’s a summary of some aspects to consider:


CHERRY TOMATOES: Are extremely short. There are only two growers crossing products in San Diego, and one of them is selling out very fast every day. In the East, only one or two growers are in production. We anticipate this short supply will change as early as next week.

CILANTRO: Supplies are expected to be light towards the end of the week. Occasional bacterial spotting is showing up in most bunches.

LETTUCE: Blocks are yielding slightly lower than anticipated budget volumes. Fields are trending to come off closer to scheduled harvest dates moving forward as we get back on track. Pricing is steady this week.

STRAWBERRY: The market is rising. Volume is starting to fall as Salinas/Watsonville plants are past their peak; supplies will continue to diminish until the fall Santa Maria crop begins in mid- to late August. Quality is good: size is down slightly due to recent warm weather. 


Click HERE for the full report.

Athena Farms has been growing high-quality, fresh produce for the foodservice industry for more than 20 years! Contact us TODAY to become a supplier.

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