Our St. Patrick’s Offerings at Athena!


Tapping into your community is key to long-term business success. This view is more than just a philosophy: it’s a way of life.

Why choose Athena Farms? Let’s look at some upcoming events using our foodservice company.

Food for St. Patrick’s Day

Attract customers by giving them a delicious, fun menu based on their favorite holiday. St. Patrick’s Day is coming at full speed, so here are ideas for you to try with our help.

  • Hot, simmering pork chops
  • Corned beef and hash
  • Cabbage-based dishes
  • Green-dyed food
  • Decorated cookies, cupcakes, and cake

Related: Easy & Healthy Side Dishes for YOUR Operation

Craft your menu with high-quality, carefully sourced ingredients with a passionate foodservice provider. Contact us today to learn about our foodservice distribution so you can attract customers for the holidays!

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